
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

John Jay Study Equates Hierarchy’s Mentality to that of Abusing Priests

Please take time to read the entire article whose reference is given below.  Using the Hierarchy's own study, this gives ample examples of how hierarchical leadership does not follow Catholic Teaching...rather suspends it for thier own self agrandizement.  My question remains:  Does the present Catholic hierarchical leadership offer catholics best practices in Catholic thought and teaching? Diane Dougherty

John Jay Study Equates Hierarchy’s Mentality to that of Abusing PriestsBy Vinnie Nauheimer

Did the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops unwittingly expose a direct link between their actions and those of sexually abusing priests with the John Jay Study? The recently released John Jay report The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010 indicates that they have. The study has received a lot of press over what wasn’t said; however, we may need to pay more attention to what was said. The study, which the USCCB commissioned, clearly demonstrates the behavior of the hierarchy when dealing with abusive priests is as fundamentally flawed as that of abusive priests!..............

Concluding Statements:
There are two things to note in this statement. The first is the unequivocal admission by Fr. Keating that priests, who committed crimes, were not arrested by police. The second is Keating’s use of the term “the rude and scoffing multitude” when referring to the laity. It smacks of arrogance and superiority while mimicking Pious X’s statement on superiority of the clergy.
1. The above examples provide a concrete link between the mentality of the abusing priests and the bishops who protected them. The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has an abusive mentality when it comes to the victims of clergy abuse. To say otherwise is to spit in the face of reason.
2. The bishop’s abusive mentality is well documented and follows the same line of warped reasoning that allows all perpetrators of despicable acts against children to live with themselves their actions and their crimes.
3. The twisted mentality of the hierarchy is not limited to bishops and cardinals in the United States. The tactics employed by the US bishops are the same ones used by the worldwide hierarchy. It is indicative of mentality deeply ingrained in the culture of the Catholic Hierarchy.
4. John Jay tries to create the appearance of a them (abusing priests) versus us (bishops) situation where the offending priests are the bad guys and the bishops are the good guys. This is not the case at all. The number of credibly accused bishops is on par with the percentage of abusing priests as evidenced by the list of abusers on The only difference is that not one bishop has ever been defrocked. Let us not forget that most of the bishops currently in power were in the seminary during time period measured by John Jay.
5. The sexuality of bishops was never called into question. Bishops are human beings and therefore have a sexuality be it hetero, homo or bi sexuality. The study treats them as asexual only looking at the sexual norms of seminarians and priests. John Jay is not the only one to avoid mentioning bishops. In his twenty-four page response to the John Jay Study, John Jay 2011 Study on Sexual Abuse: a Critical Analysis, William Donohue, an ardent Catholic conservative and lays the blame for the sexual abuse scandal clearly at the feet of homosexual priests. He never mentions the word bishop and homosexual in the same sentence. He too holds that the bishops are above it all in his dissertation.

Donohue ends his dissertation on homosexuality as the root cause of the clergy abuse scandal with the following: “There is no way that priests who are faithful to the precepts of the Church’s teachings on sexual ethics could possibly live a life of sexual recklessness. Only by jettisoning the teachings—casting celibacy and chastity as anachronistic—could they do so.”29

This will end by saying: There is no way that a pope, cardinals or bishops who are faithful to the precepts of the Church’s teachings on sexual ethics could possibly have allowed criminal sexual abuse by priests to flourish. Only by jettisoning their faith, the teachings of Jesus, Holy Scripture, Canon Law and the Catechism could the bishops have done it. In other words, they had to adopt the mentality of an abuser and whole-heartedly endorse the techniques of neutralization while becoming heretics in the process to deal with victims seeking justice.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

'Arrogant clericalism' never assessed in John Jay report Tom Doyle

Comment: In keeping with the theme of hierarchical bullying, Tom Doyle will not remain a bystander. His evaluation of the John Jay report enlightens readers by exploring how Catholics and the hierarchy itself can be swayed by words and actions that are purposely shallow. The cause of the sexual abuse crisis was not the 70's, rather the culture in which clerics were formed.  Every baptized Catholic who cares about the Church, Catholicism, and our collective role, need to immerse ourselves in these issues and take a stand.

Why do such actions allow hierarchs to hide behind shallow efforts to clothe the truth....why do catholics remain blinded by this rhetoric?  Surely most can see "the emperor struts with no clothes"..... and this is the 21st century.  Arrogant clericalism needs to be defined, describing its effect.  Only then will we be cleansed of its dominance over us. Only then will the Church reflect itself as the broken and healed Body of Christ.   Diane Dougherty

......Nevertheless the researchers could not avoid the blatant role played by the hierarchy. In this regard the report should not be written off as largely either irrelevant or enabling of the bishops’ never-ending campaign to avoid facing their responsibility square on. That’s why it’s important to read the whole report and not depend on the Executive Summary or Karen Terry’s statement or the statements of any of the bishops or church sponsored media outlets. Well into the body there is recognition of the real issues that have caused the anger and are the basis for the thousands of lawsuits and official reports. The section entitled “Mid-1990’s Diocesan Response” on pages 86-91contains a sobering antidote to the soft-peddling about priests who lost their way in the Woodstock Era. To their credit the research team included information critical of the bishops’ responses on several levels. A few quotes:

1.  The failure of some diocesan leaders to take responsibility for the harms of the abuse by priests was egregious in some cases. (p. 89)
2.  Parishioners were not told, or were misled about the reason for the abuser’s transfer (p. 89)
3. Diocesan leaders rarely provided information to local civil authorities and sometimes made concerted efforts to prevent reports of sexual abuse by priests from reaching law enforcement even before the statute of limitations expired. (p. 89)
4.  Diocesan officials tried to keep their files devoid of incriminating evidence . (p. 89)
5.  Diocesan leaders attempted to deflect personal liability for retaining abusers by relying on therapists’ recommendations or employing legalistic arguments about the status of priests. (p. 89)
6.  Dioceses, the interviewee reported, would intimidate priests who brought charges against other priests; he reported that the law firm hired by the diocese wiretapped his phone and went through his trash. (p. 90).
The interviewee was a priest-victim who had come forward in 1991.

Read his entire article-be informed.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

CNN Anderson Cooper-Report's conclusion 'absolutely absurd'

 Comment:  What saddens me is that most Catholics will look at this report, its results and the final stamp put on it by hierarchs who paid for it and limited the researchers access to documentation, will say.....well let's move on now.... His last words, calling for a complete restructuring of the Church ring true....end the monarchy, end the hierarchy and end all systems that promote unaccountable participation in the institution.  I am there!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Vatican's new villain in wake of priest abuse scandal: The '70s

I am saddened again by the efforts of hierarchs to play the blame game and manipulate Catholic people into thinking they are "coming clean".....They have spent so much of our money  trying to cover up their responsibility in this matter, they are making the entire Catholic population poor......Oscar Romero said this over and over, poverty is created.....and he got shot.  It would be good to reflect on this construct.......$2 million to say they are and have adequately lead  Catholics today???   $3 BILLION to pay victims......?Don't think this is adequate leadership..... This commentator is excellent.  ddd
By Daniel Ruth, Times Columnist
In Print: Friday, May 20, 2011
If the Vatican was in any more denial, it would be the de-limbed black knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail insisting all the gushing blood was merely a scratch. • After paying nearly $3 billion in the United States alone to settle claims of sex abuse of children by predator priests, Rome's latest response is a tepid set of nonbinding, wrist-slapping guidelines for its bishops to follow — or not — the next time one of its clerics gets randy with an altar boy. • And, by the way, all those thousands of children whose lives have been forever scarred by the priests? Blame it on Woodstock and Country Joe & the Fish. Oh, and Janis Joplin, too! She's the one you want.
This collective miter of self-delusion is so out of touch with reality, you would think Marlon Brando's Col. Kurtz was running one of the largest faiths in the world.
Under the "new" directive, which has all the teeth of a Gaza Strip anti-loitering ordinance, local bishops are given great latitude in deciding whether to report pedophilia to civil authorities. This is a bit like expecting Tony Soprano to turn in Paulie "Walnuts" for bribing the mayor. Diocesan civilian boards formed to review abuse charges also have seen their authority watered down.
Shortly after the Vatican issued it's "Pedophilia = Bad, Very Bad" edict, along came the results of a five-year study commissioned by the nation's Roman Catholic bishops to find a definitive explanation for the abuse of thousands of children at the hands of creeps in clerical collars.
It took five years to figure this out? Alas, no.
The $2 million study, conducted by the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, concluded the hinky priest phenomenon was largely caused by improperly training and overseeing priests (gee, do you think?) as well as the societal stress brought about in the late post-Woodstock period, a time of sexual liberation and really bad clothes.
You might regard this rationale as "the Grateful Dead made me defile that 13-year-old boy." The John Jay researchers even cooked their own books in adjusting the base number of abused children by lowering the age of prepubescent victims to children under 10, rather than the more broadly accepted 13.
The sex abuse scandal that has rocked the church for more than a decade, bankrupted parishes and shaken the faith and trust of devout Catholics ultimately can be laid at the feet of a Vatican that was fully aware of the assaults on children and responded by issuing bus fare to get out town.
Take away the elaborate vestments, grand rituals, hymns, prayers and all the other trappings of spirituality the church hid behind to justify its inaction in dealing with the fiends in its midst. What do you think would happen if the CEO of a multinational corporation discovered that thousands of his employees were engaged in the sexual abuse of tens of thousands of his customers' children, and in response simply moved the offending workers to other franchises, allowing them to continue their perverted behavior?
Even a John Jay scholar could figure out that executive would be indicted on charges of aiding and abetting multiple felonies, obstructing justice, destroying evidence and engaging in a vast criminal conspiracy.
And, yes, the executive would be fired.
Instead the late Pope John Paul II was fast-tracked by his successor and closest confidant to beatification.
If you want, argue the sexual abuse of children was brought about by the church's antiquated celibacy requirement. But there are many perfectly dedicated, diligent, decent celibate priests who would never think of improperly touching a child. Blame it, if you will, on the priesthood as an institution that attracts homosexuals. But there are many gay priests who also serve with distinction without ever being a threat to a child in their ministry.
The abuse occurred because at the highest levels of the Catholic hierarchy, those in power to do something about it, to stop it, to turn criminals over to law enforcement for prosecution, did nothing.
Bishops, cardinals, the pope and his inner circle, instead of being enforcers, opted to become enablers. The church squandered an opportunity to impose rigorous reporting standards on its bishops and equally robust sanctions for those bishops who continue to cover up incidents of sex abuse.
It would have been nice for the church leadership to acknowledge its role in the scandal instead of blaming Jimi Hendrix.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Vatican named as Human Rights Violators.......

Comment:  In addition to a lawsuit naming Cardinal Ratzinger an accomplice in Crimes Against Humanity that has been delivered to the Hague.....Amnesty International names the Vatican as complicit in promoting human rights violations...... I thank both groups for helping us gain perspective, as those close to Catholicism come to an understanding of how these leaders lead.  For me, they in no way represent the Catholic Identity I adhere to....their behavior and leadership is criminal, as is those who stand by and allow themselves to think the hierarchy is actually leading he I ask again...why do these hierarchs continue to be the face of Roman Catholicism?

Amnesty International names Vatican in 2011 report of human rights violations
Holy See joins list that includes Lybia, China and Nigeria
Contact:  Peter Isely, SNAP Midwest Director, 414.429.7259/         
The world’s largest human rights organization, Amnesty International, has named the Vatican in its annual global report today for failing to protect children from abuse and not complying with international mandates to protect children.  (link to Vatican page of the report:
The Vatican joins the list this year of such infamous human rights violators such as China, Lybia and Nigeria.

Excommunicated Bishop now walks with new Catholic shoes.....

Open letter to the former Bishop Morris welcoming him to our world....

"I want to welcome you to the world that many women have been living in for years. We have chosen to remain true to our Catholic Baptism. We long to see a Church that relies less on the exercise of power and more on walking the walk that Jesus walked in the company of men and women that he recognised as equal in the eyes of God....".Judith Lynch

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Pfleger says he will begin to preach at other churches if his suspension isn't ended

Is this a Good Example of How to Stand Up to Hierarchical Bullies?,0,5169161.story

Comment:  In an earlier article, Cardinal George reassigned Fr. Pfleger without negotiation to a high school position to which he claims incompetence.  Fr. Pfleger was suspended because he refused to take the position and over 100 people from his parish protested in front of the Cardinal's residence. With rigid rules and non-negotiable dictates, clerics learn early on they must bend or they are made examples so that few others will try to stand by what they know is right.  This is a form of psychological error.....and is a main contributor to clerical compliance.....Good for the "other churches" that are welcoming him.....hope they are all "Catholic"..... 

Is the age of "do as I say or else"... ending?.  The cardinal's expectation for this priest does not come under  obedience.... Fr. Pfleger is giving Catholics an opportunity to exercise the use of their "formed Conscience".good for his parish' response.  Good for the broader community's response.  Good for his insistence in following what he knows to be true and good for all these readers who are entertaining new thoughts about who the real "catholic" is in this scene.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A World of Our Own

Watch to the very end please.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stop Hierarchical Bullying- Attend the American Catholic Council

Comment:  My tickets have been purchased.  If there is one way to stop Hierarchical Bullying it is by creating new forms of legitimate conversation and avenues of redress that attend to dismantling the hold the politic of clericalism has had on all peoples.  Clericalism is not synonymous with Catholic....It is an operational engine that has thwarted Catholic Identity for generations suggesting its notion stands in place of the Word of God.  Today we understand operational engines can be transformed and replaced by clearer versions that operate efficiently.  Join the Effort!  See you there! 
Diane Dougherty

WASHINGTON -- The American Catholic Council, a reform group formed in Washington in September 2008, plans to hold its first national conference in Detroit June 10-12. The organization has already drawn fire from the hierarchy for parts of its platform.
Last October, Detroit Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron cautioned local Catholics not to attend the conference and ordered local parishes, schools and other Catholic institutions not to sponsor or host any of the preparatory listening sessions leading up to the conference.
In a media advisory, the archdiocese called the planned conference a “misguided effort” that proposes goals “largely in opposition to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council” and “distorts the true spirit of Vatican II.”
Among organizations that banded together to form the American Catholic Council are:
  • Voice of the Faithful, an international lay organization started in Boston in the wake of the clergy sex abuse scandal in order to promote greater transparency and accountability in the church;
  • FutureChurch, a Cleveland-based Catholic group, headed by St. Joseph Sr. Christine Schenk, that advocates expanding ordained ministry to women and married men;
  • CORPUS, an organization of married priests seeking an end to mandatory celibacy for Catholic priests in the Latin church.

Featured speakers at the June gathering in Detroit are to include:
  • Famed Swiss-born theologian Fr. Hans Küng, ecumenical professor emeritus at the University of Tübingen, Germany. Since 1979, Küng has been barred from teaching as a Catholic theologian. Advance notices say that depending on his health, he may address the group only by a pre-taped video.
  • Sr. Joan Chittister, former prioress of the Benedictine Abbey of Erie, Pa., a noted author and an NCR columnist who has often criticized church positions on a wide range of issues.
  • Anthony Padovano, a theologian, author, former priest and former CORPUS president, who has long advocated the abolition of mandatory celibacy in the Latin church and other changes in church practice.
  • James Carroll, a Boston Globe columnist, former priest, and award-winning author whose 2009 book, Practicing Catholic, is sharply critical of the papacy of Benedict XVI.
  • Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy and former lieutenant governor of Maryland.
  • Jeannette Rodriguez, chair of theology and religious studies at Seattle University and author of several works on Hispanic theology. Rodriguez also serves on the NCR board of directors.
In preparatory work for the Detroit conference, the American Catholic Council has held numerous listening sessions around the country and has drafted a “Catholic Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.” It says in part that every Catholic has the right to:
  • “Develop an informed conscience and to act in accord with it.”
  • “Participate in a faith community” and have “responsible pastoral care.”
  • “Proclaim the Gospel and to respond to the community’s call to ministerial leadership.”
  • “Freedom of expression and the freedom to dissent.”
  • “A voice in the selection of leaders and in the manner in which governance and decision-making are exercised.”
  • “Summon and speak in assemblies where diverse voices can be heard.”
“Church leaders,” it says, “shall respect the rights and responsibilities of the baptized and their faith communities.”
“One must not be told that one becomes a Catholic at the cost of being less an American,” the preamble to the Catholic Bill of Rights and Responsibilities says. “We cannot declare that fundamental rights have no place in the church of Christ.
“We often hear that the ‘church is not a democracy,’ ” it adds. “This is not true: Ecumenical councils, papal elections and the election of religious superiors occur regularly. The first ecumenical council in 325 [in Nicea] declared that no priest was validly ordained unless the community made the selection. Popes and bishops were chosen by the people at large. Fundamentally, Catholic doctrine maintains that the Spirit is given to all and that baptism makes every Catholic equal.”
On its Web site, [3], the council describes itself as “a movement bringing together a network of individuals, organizations and communities to consider the state and future of our church.”
“We believe our church is at a turning point in its history,” it adds. “We recall the promise of the Second Vatican Council for a renaissance of the roles and responsibilities of all the baptized through a radically inclusive and engaged relationship between the church and the world. We respond to the spirit of Vatican II by summoning the baptized together to demonstrate our re-commitment.”
Among other presenters at the June gathering, to be held at Detroit’s Cobo Hall Convention Center, are Loretto Sr. Jeannine Gramick, a cofounder of New Ways Ministry and longtime advocate of fuller Catholic ministry to the gay-lesbian-bisexual-transsexual-questioning community; Leonard Swidler, professor of Catholic thought and interreligious dialogue at Temple University in Philadelphia and a founder of the Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church; Diana Hayes, a leading African-American Catholic theologian; Jesuit Fr. James Hug and Dominican Sr. Maria Riley of Center of Concern, a Jesuit-founded social justice think tank; Barbara Blaine and David Clohessy, leaders of the Survivors’ Network of those Abused by Priests; and Jason Berry, whose NCR writings on clergy sexual abuse of minors have helped change the way the church approaches that issue.
For complete details, visit:[4]
[Jerry Filteau is NCR Washington correspondent. He plans to cover the Detroit American Catholic Council conference for NCR and to write about pre-conference developments in coming weeks.]
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Monday, May 2, 2011

Bishop bullied out of office for asking about Women's Ordination

In a hierarchy, a small group controls the life and outcome of the multitude.  With a totalitarian hierarchical form of governance, -everyone marches to the whims of the top or is out.  There is no room for discussion or change inbetween.  This governance is not adequate in Catholicism. It does not really have anything to do with  "Catholic" teaching-perhaps clerical teaching.....there is a big difference.  People need to begin to separate clerical teachings"Women's Ordination" from Catholic Teaching....Christianity's power lies in setting people free-not oppressing them.

I admire this bishop for speaking truth to power!
Diane Dougherty

Fr Peter Kennedy slams Vatican after Toowoomba Bishop William Morris quits Catholic Church after row over ordination of women
By Brooke Baskin
The Courier-Mail (AU)
May 2, 2011

Roman Catholic Bishop William Morris who has retired after a row with the Vatican. 
Picture: Bruce Long Source: The Courier-Mail
OUSTED Catholic priest Peter Kennedy says the forced retirement of one of the church’s most senior men in Queensland is ‘‘appalling’’.
Bishop William Morris announced his shock retirement at the weekend after falling out with the Vatican and Pope Benedict XVI.
Fr Kennedy said the situation was “appalling’’ and parishioners were walking away in droves because of Rome’s totalitarian control.
“Bishop Morris is a man of an amazing amount of compassion…people generally in the diocese know the compassion of this man and the goodness of this man,’’ he told The Courier-Mail.
Fr Kennedy was ousted from the church two years ago following his controversial views preached to his then-parish of St Mary's at South Brisbane.
Bishop William Morris distributed a letter at the weekend in which he claimed he was forced into early retirement after a five-year investigation sparked by a "disaffected" group that disagreed with his progressive views.
Bishop Morris said he was denied natural justice during the investigation, which he claimed had made his position in charge of the Toowoomba diocese "untenable".
The investigation included an apostolic visitation and ongoing discussions with the Vatican-based congregations for Bishops, Divine Worship and Doctrine of the Faith and even the Pope.
The investigation was sparked by a 2006 letter to parishioners in which Bishop Morris raised the prospect of the Church considering the ordination of married men and women to help counter a looming shortfall in priests.
Bishop Morris said the 2006 letter had been "misread and I believe deliberately misinterpreted" by a "small group (which has) found my leadership and the direction of the diocese not to their liking".
He said his resignation would have meant that "I accept the assessment of myself as breaking communio which I absolutely refute and reject and it is out of my love for the Church that I cannot do so".
He said early retirement was then the only option open to him.
The retirement comes two years after the Catholic Church ousted priest Peter Kennedy following his controversial views preached to his then-parish of St Mary's at South Brisbane.
It was thought Fr Kennedy's departure was also sparked by strict Catholics upset at his teachings.
Bishop Morris had been among a handful of Queensland bishops considered to contain the frontrunners for the role of archbishop of the Brisbane Archdiocese, to be vacated later this year by the retirement of Archbishop John Bathersby.
Archbishop Bathersby said that he had not seen an official statement from the Holy See regarding Bishop Morris's termination of employment.
Sister Eileen March said the congregation was "stunned and shocked" by the decision.
"He's such a good bishop and he's very good-hearted and personal," Sister Eileen said.
Bishop Morris apologised on behalf of the Church to five families whose children had been sexually assaulted by a teacher at a Toowoomba primary school in 2007-08.
He revived the role of the Social Justice Commission and employed of a full-time social justice officer.