Monday, December 3, 2012

Jesuit, 92, penalized after eucharistic liturgy with woman priest

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Yes, the Bishop IS correct.
In the bible, when we hear of the body of Christ, it says that there are many parts , but one body. We all have important, thought different jobs. Women were not created for this function( to be priests). Over and over again it the bible, it speaks of man as the head and Jesus was a man.
However, God's greatest creation was Mary, co-mediatrix, but ONLY, beacause of her humble fiat. It was her HUMBLE and OBEDIENT yes, that will crush the head of satan.

How beautiful...the humility of Mary.
Satan rebelled due to pride, and he will be crushed by humility.

December 23, 2012 7:45 AM
Diana Froberg said...
Say "YES" to obedience and humility. And see what Jesus will do for you. Our Lady said yes and with that yes brought life and Jesus to the world. Jesus did many things during His time that shocked people. In the Bible you often hear the word s " and they were amazed" or something of this nature. He also spoke with many people that He was not to, such as prostitutes, Gentiles, women bleeding, etc. point is that if He wanted women in the priesthood He would have chose one to be one of the twelve. He did not. He could do whatever He wanted to do, after all He was Jesus Christ. HE is the head of the Church. HE told the twelve that whatever they do here on Earth in His name is bound here as well as in Heaven, and whatever they loose here is loosed in Heaven as well. Please read the Bible, and hear God's word. The bishops that are in line with Rome are obedient. You need to be obedient.

December 23, 2012 8:37 AM